Monday, March 25, 2013

Carla Kelly and cupcakes!

Wednesday the 20th of March was a really exciting day here at the library! We had Carla Kelly here talking about her new book My Loving Vigil Keeping. The book has been given nothing but positive reviews, and we can't wait to get it into circulation so everyone can read it. 

"Della's giving up all the comforts of bustling Salt Lake City to teach school in a rural coal mining camp. Little does she know, she may soon be giving up her heart as well. But when tragedy strikes in the Scofield Mine, Della's life will be changed forever. Based on true events, this thrilling new romance from award-winning and bestselling author Carla Kelly is a must-read!"

"Tender love story and great historical fiction!"

"I was laughing at parts and literally bawling my eyes out in other parts. The ending takes you on an emotional roller coaster that you will want to be a part of."

Norma and Carla Kelly pose for a picture with some of Carla's books.
Shirley Haycock and Michelle Jefferies, the authors from March 13th.  Aaaaaand...cupcakes! They were delicious.

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